Saturday, January 7, 2012

Journal Article #6: My Weirdest Food Experience EVER.

My weirdest experience with food was when I went to a Mediterranean restaurant with a close friend. It was my first time in an actual Mediterranean restaurant serving Mediterranean food. My close friend had gone to a Mediterranean restaurant before, but only once. When we arrived, got seated, and got the menu, we had no idea what to order. It was all so foreign to me. There weren’t very many pictures the food and the food’s name on it or next to it. It didn’t help that all the words on the menu were unrecognizable to me. The waiter came by and we asked him what he would recommend to us. He wasn’t too helpful because he recommended five items on the menu but he didn’t describe the dish too well either. His English was a little bit hard to understand and I just ended up picking the first thing he recommended to me. When my friend and I got our food, I had no idea how to eat it. It was a plate full of random splabs of food that did not come with rice. I used my fork to try each and every thing on the plate to see what the flavors were. My friend told me quietly that she thinks that I should eat it with the bread that was given as the appetizer. I tried looking around the restaurant to observe and see how people were eating the food because observation of how other people eat would teach me, somewhat, how I should eat the food. It did not help because everybody had different dishes and they were all eating differently. I ended up just using the bread to hold all the different things on the plate and eat it with my hands because it tasted the best like that. It was the weirdest food and restaurant experience ever--- not knowing how to eat the food that was in front of me.

word count: 326

1 comment:

  1. Hi Esther,
    What restaurant? Try Menara Moroccan, like I mentioned in class.
