Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Journal Article #13: My Thoughts on Vegetarianism.

My thoughts on vegetarianism are that it is probably the healthiest food and diet choice in the world. If you can imagine that everybody was vegetarian, there would probably be no heart attacks or people with high cholesterol or high blood pressure. The world would probably be at least 95% more healthy than it currently is. There would not be any multibillion dollar fast food chains in this world that are making their money off from killing people. There would probably not be any pandemic diseases relating to creatures that we could have possibly eaten. Such as there would be no such thing as SARS or the swine flu. If the world was vegetarian, then the world would probably be more green. Green plants would mean healthier air and healthier food. The current global warming situation would not have happened as early as now. If the world was vegetarian, there would not be 100 chickens living under one roof and their sole purpose is to be killed and eaten by humans. Animals would be able to run freely and there would not be horrible living conditions for animals that humans eat. If the world was vegetarian, there would be no restaurant being blamed for unsanitary cooking of meats or restaurants being blamed for food poisoning because of bad food practices. Most vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked so there would be any sicknesses derived from food unless the vegetable or fruit was poisonous in the first place. I think the world would be a much happier and healthier place if everybody was vegetarian. But, currently for me and probably 90% of the world, it is too hard to give up on meat… it is already too late.

word count: 288

1 comment:

  1. Very well-written post. Of course, I agree with all of it (except the last sentence!)
