Saturday, January 7, 2012

Journal Article #10: Blowfish

In our class, you asked if anybody would try the seafood, blowfish, or the Japanese name it goes by, fugu. A few people raised their hands. I was one of those students. You may ask why I would try it? The blowfish is so deadly that if not prepared correctly, one might die from the poison called tetrodotoxin. The one main reasons of why I would try blowfish is because I love seafood. That might not be a good answer to many, but the blowfish is a rare seafood delicacy that is really expensive and really unique. I love trying new and exciting foods, even if it means the cost of my life. Only a couple of chefs have the license to prepare the blowfish around the world, meaning it is hard to find a restaurant serving this type of fish. Also, you can have bragging rights if you do try this rare delicacy. (Not that the bragging rights are on the top of my list of reasons of why I would want to eat it!) But my last reason for wanting to try this fish is that I heard that it tastes really good. Why wouldn’t you want to try food that tastes good? I would love to. And given that it is really hard to pass the exam to cook and serve fugu, I feel that I can trust my life on my fugu chef and his skillful technique when he is preparing the blowfish for me to devour.

word count: 251

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture. Wow, you put a lot of trust in the chef. I've actually heard it tastes pretty bland. I think people just do it for bragging rights.
